Content Publishing Philosophy

by Hartwig HKD Some rights reserved

by Hartwig HKD
Some rights reserved

I’ve been wrestling with what to put on my blog at, what to blog on LinkedIn, and what, if anything to do with my YouTube channel. A recent blog post shed a lot of light for me.

In the blog post, How to Benefit from the LinkedIn Publishing Platform, Stephanie Sammons lays out some great suggestions on how to use the LinkedIn Publishing Platform, if you’ve been given the green light to publish there. Very valuable stuff, and if your goal in participating in content creation and publishing and social media is like me, to attract business, then having your content viewed by tons of people, as it is on LinkedIn, is great. No, you don’t make money off of it, as you theoretically might on your own blog. But I’m pretty sure you’ll get more people looking at it, and considering that over 80% of social media generated leads come from LinkedIn, it seems like a no brainer to leverage it if you can.

But despite my meandering, I’m not writing this post about LinkedIn Publisher. The realization I’ve come to, which I strangely have been saying for a long time, is you can deliver the same message, and even largely the same content, you just have to customize the delivery for the various destinations. When I said it I was really thinking about posting about blog posts to drive traffic. Post different things to Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc all to advertise the same piece of content. But what it really means is deliver the message, and customize the writing and creation for each delivery platform. Put more simply, you’re selling yourself and your expertise, not your blog, so delivery the same speech, the same sermon, the same lecture, in different ways as appropriate.

Not only should you not worry about doing this, being concerned that it will look like you’re repurposing content, you should actively be doing it. Just think if you wrote a book (you will, we’ll get to that in a later post), and you were promoting it. You’d be delivery the same slides, speech, and messages all over the place. That would be expected. That’s a good thing. Your ideas are what is interesting, not a specific blog post.


developer, writer, speaker

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2 Responses

  1. Good points Josh. It was a pleasure chatting with you on BlogChat tonight.

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