Josh McCormack
How to teach computer programming to kids
How to teach computer programming to kids fundafunda: Here is a guide to what computer languages are appropriate for kids of different ages (starting from kindergarten) and what the best resources are available to...
Learn to code | Codecademy
Learn to code | Codecademy jotmatt: An interesting follow-up link to the reblogged post below – Codeacedemy offers free, online lessons in computer programming (primarily Javascript). I’ll be posting additional online coding education tools...
From DARPA, A Virtual Tool To Revolutionize Robotics
From DARPA, A Virtual Tool To Revolutionize Robotics The DARPA Darpa is pouring huge amounts of money into robot simulation, and it’s open source.
Autonomous energy-scavenging micro devices will test water quality, monitor bridges, more
Autonomous energy-scavenging micro devices will test water quality, monitor bridges, more Photonics able to scavenge for resources on their own to test or provide power. Amazing possibilities in a tiny package. Researchers are...
Coding Is Coming To Every Industry You Can Think Of, Time To Start Learning It Now | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation
A great article on the importance of coding in all professions. Coding Is Coming To Every Industry You Can Think Of, Time To Start Learning It Now | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation
LightUp Helps Kids Learn Electronics With Augmented Reality | TechCrunch
LightUp Helps Kids Learn Electronics With Augmented Reality | TechCrunch A $100 Arduino based kit that connects components with magnets and teaches electronics. At some point I’ll get one to teach my home school kids about...
Robotic insect takes first flight, barely weighs more than grain of rice – TechSpot
Robotic insect takes first flight, barely weighs more than grain of rice – TechSpot